Qualifying Life Events (QLE) allow you to make changes within the year as long as you make the change and provide the required supporting documentation. If you experience one of the events below, please notify us of the change using the button below within 30 days of the event. If you miss this deadline, you may have to wait until the next Benefits Open Enrollment period to make changes.

Note: If you experience a Qualifying Life Event, you must submit your benefit changes via Workday within 30 days of the event.

Change in Marital Status or
Domestic Partnership

Getting married, legally separating, or getting divorced qualifies as a Life Event eligible for a change.


Birth of a child, Adopting a child, obtaining legal custody of a child, or a death of a child qualifies as a Life Event.

My kid is turning age 26

Your children are eligible for medical, dental, vision and child life to age 26. Workday will automatically end coverage at the end of the month following their 26th birthday.

Gain or Loss of Other Coverage

When you or an eligible family member loses or gains coverage under any other group plan.


If you’ve recently become eligible for Medicare, you’re eligible for a Life Event change.

A Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC) has been designed to assist you with better understanding the coverage being offered to you, and to allow you to compare coverage options. The SBC is available on www.niagarabenefits.com. A paper copy is also available, free of charge, by calling 909-230-5000.

Niagara Bottling permits INSURERS to offer employees of Niagara Bottling certain voluntary insurance programs. Whether you choose to enroll in any of these programs is completely optional and voluntary. Niagara Bottling does not make a contribution towards the cost of these programs and employees pay the full cost of premiums on an after-tax basis. Niagara Bottling does not sponsor, maintain, endorse, recommend, or promote these voluntary programs. Niagara Bottling'S involvement regarding these voluntary insurance programs is strictly limited to allowing the insurer access to employees to publicize these programs and Niagara Bottling may perform certain ministerial functions such as payroll deduction and forwarding employee premium payments to the insurer. Niagara Bottling does not receive any consideration in the form of cash or otherwise in connection with the program, other than reasonable compensation, excluding any profit, for administrative services actually rendered in connection with payroll deductions. Accordingly, these voluntary insurance programs are not subject to ERISA and related regulations. All questions or claims regarding these programs should be directed to the insurer.

All benefit plans are governed by master policies, contracts, and plan documents. In the event of any inconsistency between the information contained herein and the applicable plan documents, the provisions of the plan documents shall prevail. Niagara Bottling reserves the right to amend, suspend or terminate any benefit plan, in whole or in part, at any time. The authority to make such changes rests with the Plan Administrator.